Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Careers in Chemistry - What You Need to Know About This Field

Careers in Chemistry - What You Need to Know About This FieldIf you're looking for careers in chemistry, you are not alone. This is an extremely competitive field, and the demand for qualified scientists who can fill in the gaps created by technologies is immense.Scientists come from all kinds of backgrounds, and some are highly qualified while others aren't. You must make sure that you meet all the requirements to be able to pursue a career in chemistry. All of these requirements will vary depending on the country or region in which you live. The following are the most common requirements you need to meet to be considered for a career in chemistry.If you want to work as a scientist, then you should have a Master's degree or higher. In some countries, you only need a Master's degree to start, and this can be applied to you if you want to become a chemist. There are different programs that you can get your Master's degree in; but if you're not sure what to do with your Bachelor's degr ee, this can help you decide.Besides a Masters degree, you should also have a PhD. A PhD will be a requirement if you want to be hired as a faculty member at a university, research institute, or other kind of institutions, and it can lead to job promotions and more money.The Physical Sciences is also important. Science can be used in all kinds of technical fields, and a career in chemistry might be the best option for you if you love science.Chemistry has always been a hot topic among academics, so it's quite likely that you'll find a job sooner or later. As long as you keep your eyes open, you'll eventually find a job in this field.Remember that when you're looking for a career in chemistry, you should not give up when you see that you aren't doing well at a particular institution, because you should continue looking until you finally find one that suits you best. You should also know that there are schools that are willing to pay for postgraduate courses if you need them, so if yo u need to further your education, you can do that as well.All in all, the career opportunities in chemistry are wide open, so be sure to keep your eyes and ears open. This means that you should also try out as many schools and universities as possible in order to ensure that you get the right career for you. Always remember that you will be part of the vast majority of people in the world in some way, so don't forget that it is important to know what career options are available to you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

International School of Aruba

International School of Aruba International School of Aruba The mission of International School of Aruba is to motivate and prepare students to achieve their academic and personal best within a U.S. accredited, English language school encouraging leadership, character, and community service. The International School of Aruba is a non-profit, co-educational, English language school. It was founded in 1929 and was owned by Lago Oil and Transport Co. Ltd. From 1986 on, the school was governed by the ISA community and parent body. ISA was acquired by ISS, International Schools Services, in 2004. In 2005, a new campus was constructed, and ISA was relocated to the center of the island of Aruba. The school is a U.S. State Department assisted school. The school has approximately 227 students from Montessori (18 months old) through grade 12. The student body represents 29 countries. The average class size is 16. There are 30 faculty members of diverse nationalities. Seventy percent of the teaching staff has master's degrees. The Head of School is US trained and certified, with both U.S. and International experience. The school is growing in scope and is home to teachers and students inspired to be a part of a vibrant learning community.

Beaker Definition - All About the Most Common Element

Beaker Definition - All About the Most Common ElementThe beaker definition is used to describe the most fundamental thing known to science, and that is the container for solid substance. It is also called a beaker vessel and beaker mean glass.If you look at the definition of beaker you will find that it is simple, a beaker is a glass vessel used to hold liquid. Beakers are also referred to as open or closed or a lip in the glass vessels. Some people believe that beakers refer to a type of windmill because the glass vessels that can be found in windmills are used to hold windmill power generators. The shape of the glass container is a beaker as the size of the amount of liquid that can be contained inside.The meaning of the beaker is also used in chemistry to define the exact conditions that a solid can be placed into a beaker. A beaker refers to the ratio of dry and wet matter, liquids and solids, or mass and volume. Chemistry therefore is defined by the total mass and volume of a su bstance and the volume of liquid that can be contained in it.Beaker in Chemistry is also used to define the volume that a substance can hold when compressed in the beaker. The volume of a substance that is found in the beaker or a beaker vessel is considered to be the weight of the material divided by the square inches of the container. The volume of a beaker also refers to the way that the weight is decomposed in the container. In all cases there is a volume measurement as the volume of a material is expressed in the form of mass.The volume in which a substance is able to hold is measured in beakers, that is the weight of the liquid in beakers. The volume of a beaker may be represented as kg m or gm m-2 as the capital letters it is not equal to one and two with the addition of the I used to give the size of the measurements.The beaker definition is used in chemistry to describe the amount of molecules that are present in a substance. The volume of a beaker is also the equivalent in the definition of mass for density. The volume of a beaker is a measure of the molecular weight and the volume of a beaker can be found as cm3/mol. The volume of a beaker is the equivalent in the definition of mass for density.The volume of a beaker may also be described in terms of the number of atoms in the chemical reaction and also as the total chemical reactions in the beaker, the molecular weights and the total number of molecules in the beaker. The volume of a beaker is also the equivalent in the definition of mass for density.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Play the Kiran Typing Tutor Online Game

How to Play the Kiran Typing Tutor Online GameFilehippo, Kiran's kitty, is one of the most unique yet adorable and playful characters in some of the most popular web comic web sites. With her cute and vibrant personality, a little bit of trouble can create the 'meow' effect to your computer. So if you're ready to try her out on your own, take note of the following tips before beginning your own adventures.When you start to play with Filehippo, you should avoid touching any buttons or accessing the menu whenever possible. You need to be careful not to touch anything while playing and watching the characters she may appear before or communicate with. When she speaks, make sure you speak in a slow and steady voice, avoiding the main character's speech patterns. When she washes, you should avoid rinsing your hands in water, as she may end up washing your hands as well.When Filehippo speaks with the voices, you should move your mouse slowly, you need to move it a bit each time she says a new word. When she pulls the hair from her head, you can let go of the mouse and let her loose. She will probably end up trying to pull your hair out.When she swats with her tail, it's important that you don't let her free roam around the room while playing with Filehippo. Avoid touching her whenever possible and stay close to her, avoiding touching her when she is trying to speak with a smile. You can also put her to sleep by using a new button every time she tries to tell a new story.When Filehippo begins to work in a certain place, you should enter it without looking at the keyboard or changing the page. When she enters a specific room, you can have a quick look at the keyboard and change pages without even touching her. If you get confused, you can always look at the back of the window and try to figure out where she is going.There are other people who do not have as much patience as Kiran and do not want to face another dilemma with Filehippo. You can try asking her help in a d ifficult situation by tapping the mouse a couple of times, or even pressing the back arrow to go back. There is also a button for this purpose, but I found it more convenient to switch her back to her original position and take her to a different room.All in all, Filehippo seems to be the ultimate companion for the PC user who does not want to mess around with text editors or other fancy stuff. There are also other helpful websites that you can find through Google if you want to get more information on these games.

Playing the Violin for Right-handers

Playing the Violin for Right-handers How to Play the Violin Right-handed ChaptersChoosing a Right-handed or Left-handed ViolinHow Do You Hold a Violin Bow?How to Loosen Up Your Right HandWhat Violin Techniques Are There?“If it is true that the violin is the most perfect of musical instruments, then Greek is the violin of human thought.” - Helen KellerThe violin, viola, and cello are famous for the demanding technique they require in order to be played.A good number of Brits have taken at least one lesson on how to play a musical instrument in their life. Most people say the guitar is their favourite string instrument while very few seem to have a soft spot for the violin or fiddle.That said, there are actually plenty of people interested in learning to play the violin, they just either think it's too difficult or too expensive to do. Especially with the instrument accessories that you have to invest in too.There's some truth to this. The violin can be really tricky to play and it's almost impossible to learn it for free. However, with the right resour ces and planning, you can make learning much easier and cheaper than you probably first thought.In this article, we’re going to look at exactly how to play violins right-handed.This can be difficult as they’ll have reverse every movement they see in order to produce a good sound or play a violin piece.You’re far more likely to see a left-handed person playing a right-handed violin than a right-handed person playing a left-handed violin since around 1 out of every 10 people is left-handed. With fewer lefties about, manufacturers and luthiers make fewer left-handed versions of their instruments.That said, being left-handed has never held back virtuosos and some of the greatest musicians of all time (including Schumann and Beethoven) were left-handed.In order to play a note correctly, the bow has to be guided by the forearm and the wrist. You’ll also need to work carefully on holding the violin bow.How Do You Hold a Violin Bow?After you’ve tuned your instrument and applied ro sin to the bow, you’re going to have to learn how to use the bow.I don't think any of these are your new violin bow. (Source: Pexels)We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, correctly holding the bow is fundamental to producing quality notes.  How you hold a violin bow is both a science and an art.Holding the bow itself isn’t the most difficult thing to do. However, holding whilst accurately moving it in order to produce notes is rather complicated.You need to place the bow with the middle of your index finger just by the pad next to the screw.  Then place your pinky on the flat part at the base of the bow while keeping the finger curved.  The index and pinky will naturally envelop the top of the bow and now you can place your thumb underneath.  Your hand needs to be relaxed yet rigid as if you were holding onto a small rock on a climbing wall.Achieving a good sound and nuance will come from the speed of the bow, the pressure you apply on the strings with the bow, and how the bow is positioning in relation to the bridge.This is what we call resonance.  You then need to learn how to move the bow through the air. The ideal way is to trace figure eights in the air rather than circles.  There are tonnes of great videos on YouTube explaining this technique.How to Loosen Up Your Right HandSo you’re in the right position to play the violin with the instrument between your collarbone and your chin.  You just have to start playing with your right hand.A physiotherapist could help with those aches and pains. (Source: whitesession)We recommend playing open strings first just so you can get the hang of holding the bow. Above all, make sure you stay in the right position.Place the hair of the bow halfway between the bridge and the neck so that the bow is directly over the soundbox.  Move the bow straight across the strings in a smooth and fluid motion.Don’t forget that the more pressure you apply to the bow, the louder you’ll play. This will be useful for n uanced playing (fortissimo, forte, mezzo forte, piano, pianissimo, etc.).Normally, you won’t remove the bow from the strings as they’ll need to produce a continuous sound. If they don’t, you might need to add some rosin.  Getting the sound right is all down to how you move the bow.There are a lot of exercises you can do with just open strings.  Once you get the hang of one string, you can move onto another string to make sure you’re used to the different heights.You can then start playing notes by bringing your left-hand into play.  Once you can correctly play a note, you can start by placing your middle finger a bit further up from your index, and then your ring finger, all while playing one string with the bow.What Violin Techniques Are There?You can’t just stop there doing basic techniques. Just like playing the guitar or the piano, you won’t become a master in just one day.Your technique will dictate how your violin sounds. (Source: Pexels)Mastering violin bow techni que can take a lot of practice.There are also plenty of different techniques, too:DétachéColléLegatoLouréMarteléStaccatoJetéSautilléSpiccatoVibratoWhatever type of attack you use, here’s some advice:Position your elbow as if you were playing the D stringMove your elbow straight when you change from one string to anotherLower your elbow for the reverse motionGive the impression that the bow is horizontalMove the bow down when you move to the G stringKeep your elbow at the same height when playing a single stringWould you like to learn to play the violin at a conservatoire or music school?  Or are you looking for a violin teacher near me?You can also get private violin tutorials at your house! There are plenty of violin tutors from all over the UK on Superprof. Many of the tutors on Superprof offer the first hour for free so you can see if you get along, the type of tuition they offer, and organise the details of your tutorials, such as the rates, schedule, and what technique s you'd like to focus on.With private tutorials, you're the only student in the class. This means that the lessons are tailored to you and what you want (or need) to learn. If you're just playing for fun, your tutor can teach your some of your favourite songs. If you're preparing for an audition for a music school or conservatoire, they can help you to focus on techniques that are going to impress!Don't forget there are also online tutorials via webcam if you live rurally or can't schedule tutorials with local tutors!When you first start, you should consider an electric violin or a try to practice with the violin mute accessory so you don’t upset your neighbours with your playing.It would be a shame to get complaints just as you’re getting started with the violin.  Stick with it! You’ll soon be making progress.

Get Motivated by Taking on a Vital Role - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Get Motivated by Taking on a Vital Role - Introvert Whisperer Get Motivated by Taking on a Vital Role Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Online Chemistry Revision Resources

Online Chemistry Revision Resources What Resources Exist Online for Chemistry Revision? ChaptersGCSE Chemistry Revision ResourcesA-Level Chemistry Revision ResourcesOther Resources for Chemistry ReviewAren’t we lucky we live in a time where any amount of information we could possibly want or need is virtually at our fingertips?Imagine students of chemistry a century ago, whose only fonts of information were their professors or their campus library â€" and, at that, such sources may have been so terribly out of date due to some fantastic discovery recently made elsewhere in the world.Personal letters, conferences and publications were the ways scientists stayed current on scientific knowledge but those events didn’t happen every day, let alone at any given moment.Contrast that with our modern practices: email and teleconferencing, collaborative work platforms; document sharing software and near-instantaneous publication online...And the mightiest librarian ever; the keeper and dispenser of information: the search engine.Just as you might query a human librarian for b ooks on a certain topic â€" whereupon s/he would send you chasing down your elusive tome, search engines respond to your queries by throwing up possible results that most closely address the keywords you typed in.Here at Superprof, we are much more focused on bringing you everything you could ask for with regard to education, from a wide selection of tutors to articles dealing with specific school subjects mandated by our national curriculum.This article follows that trend by delivering a list of resources to help you master what some think is a most challenging subject: chemistry.Apps and podcasts; videos and more: your Superprof taps into the vast resources available online to bring you the best chemistry review materials on the ‘Net.You have a wide selection of chemistry study apps to choose from! Source: Pixabay Credit: GeraltAs the science portion of your exam is actually a three-parter dealing with Biology and Physics as well as Chemistry, it would be understandable that you would dread that segment of your upcoming ordeal.Test anxiety is a very real phenomenon and one of the best ways to combat it is by being secure in the knowledge that you know your subject matter cold well before you enter the testing room.Which means that the time to start preparing is now!Naturally, we’d never recommend sitting for hours with your textbook open in front of you; diversifying your learning experience will cement your knowledge of chemistry so much more efficiently.To that end, you might like...Apps to Help you Retain Chemistry ParticularsAt the top of this list must surely be the Royal Society of Chemistry’s periodic table, an interactive utility that will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about every single element on the chart.Roll your mouse over any given block to discover its electron configuration, key isotopes, and density.Click on any element to learn who discovered it and when, its history, its pressure and temperature data and a host of othe r resources such as videos and podcasts directly related to that specific element.You may bookmark that page on your computer or download the app; engineered for both Apple and Android operating systems.Incidentally, the Royal Chemistry Society also hosts a wildly informative podcast!Complete Chemistry provides a strong foundation of the science through a systematic progression from one level of understanding to the next.This app provides you with quizzes, questions, and tutorials, from basic formulas to bonding, but is only available for Android operating systems.Beware that there have been some negative reviews, mainly because of grammatical errors and sentence structures. The chemistry, however, is sound and this app’s functions are decidedly helpful in mastering chemistry concepts.Are you a bit bewildered about how to calculate the enthalpy and theoretical yield of a chemical reaction?What about computing the properties of gases using various gas laws?Indeed, a good part of ch emistry is maths, but with Wolfram Alpha’s Chemistry Assistant, you might let down your guard enough to master these and other step-by-step calculations as the app performs them.Perhaps its best feature is the customised keyboard that permits you to enter an element’s symbol directly, rather than type it out from a standard QWERTY keyboard.Of course, if that’s the keyboard you’d rather use, you are welcome to do so â€" the app incorporates both.This Chemistry Assistant can save you time doing your chemistry homework, too! Just be aware that if your teacher expects you to explain your answer, you are able to do so.This app is formatted for both iPhone and iPad and can be used on an Android system as well.Are there any chemistry revision websites that could compare?Podcasts for GCSE Chemistry ReviewBesides the above-mentioned Royal Chemistry Society podcasts, we found GCSEPod to be particularly helpful in preparing for the exams.Whereas most other science podcasts tend to lump all physical sciences together, these two podcasts treat chemistry as a discipline unto itself.Even better: GCSEPod is specifically tailored to test prep, covering all five exam board specifications!A one-year subscription starts at £200; that fee increases depending on the number of subjects you sign up to receive podcasts for.You'll be happy to know there are several engaging chemistry podcasts for you to listen to on the go! Source: Pixabay Credit: Pix1861A-Level Chemistry Revision ResourcesIf you are an A-Levels candidate, you might find certain applications we’ve already mentioned helpful, such as the Royal Chemical Society’s table of periodic elements or the formula calculator.However, there are plenty of apps and other chemistry review resources available targeted to those studying at your level.Helpful Apps for A-Level StudentsAlthough school curriculum does a fair job of separating the various sciences, the fact is that physics and chemistry are intimately intertwined and nowhere is this more evident than with Atoms in Motion.This app, designed for the iPad, demonstrates how atoms work in the full of their trajectory.We are all well-versed in the two-dimensional representation of atoms: their structure and their bonds; what attracts or reacts with what and why such actions occur.What we are less familiar with is how one atom seeks out another to form a molecule, in the vast soup that is the environment, to become the elements that we study so ardently.Find the best  physics and chemistry tutor  on Superprof.Atoms in Motion gives us atomic theory at its visual best: an interactive simulation that performs computational chemistry even as you watch the atoms move.You can play around with them, too: increase the temperature or the pressure, choose the element you wish to examine and perform simulated experiments.It’s not all watching atoms swim around, either. There is text to go along with any calculations or experiments you launch yourself into. Surely, by this point in your studies. you have already been introduced to software that will help you draw molecules and design chemical formulas, right?Unless you’ve been working with Molprime+, you are in for a very pleasant surprise.Starting from scratch, you may design any molecule on your study list and, once complete, name it and save it to your data bank. You may also upload to email and share it!Once you have created your desired compound, simply click on its icon to read all of its molecular properties:hydrogen bond acceptorshydrogen bond donorsmolecular weightrotatable bondchemical formulaOf course, life is not all about atomic structure; if you need a break from your organic chemistry studies or nuclear chemistry, simply access their built-in game to let off a bit of steam.Podcasts for Chemistry A-Level ReviewNobody expects anyone to sit for hours, in the review of test material. Still, you can review fundamental chemistry while on the go by downloading podcasts target ed to your area of study â€" and it just so happens that there are some good ones out there.Naturally, you should check out the Royal Chemistry Society podcasts as there is abundant material to help you succeed on that site.Beyond that, you may steer yourself to Podbean, who has created a series of 20 podcasts meant especially for A-Level candidates that you can download from their app, available for Android and iOS.Are you confused over covalent bonding? What is so special about alkalane combustion?Pop your earbuds in and go for a run; soon these chemistry topics and others will become crystal clear and you’ll feel great!These chemistry review applications are sure to keep you glued to your phone! Source: PixabayCredit: Nature AddictOther Resources for Chemistry ReviewFor getting a visual on sticky chemistry topics, you may take a break to view a few videos on Crash Course Chemistry.There, you will find a video library stocked with everything from solids to buffers to carbons, wi th the history of atomic theory thrown in for good measure.Each video is around 10 minutes long and narrated in American English â€" be sure to tune your ears!And, as long as you have them tuned, why not make use of Khan Academy’s impressive collection of chemistry instructional videos?There, you will be treated to explanations of concepts such as stoichiometry and redox reactions. Each topic’s video comes complete with exercises and a quiz to help you determine your grasp of the material.Chemistry blogs might come in as a last resort â€" after all of the reading you do to understand your subject matter, why take on more?Because getting a different perspective of the discipline will permit you to embrace it more easily!And these blogs make embracing chemistry easy, indeed.Top-rated Chemistry BlogsNameSynopsisAddressScholarly Kitchengeneral discussions about social and technical impacts on the scientific realmhttps://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.orgCompound InterestExploring the chemi stry of everyday livinghttps://www.compoundchem.comJust Like CookingResearch tips and techniques, jobs, paper reviewshttp://justlikecooking.blogspot.comThe Chronicle FlaskDispelling junk science; chemistry around ushttps://chronicleflask.comScience communication mediahow to publish findings; how to ask for research grantshttp://sciencecommunicationmedia.comWe now round out our list of resources by including games with a chemistry theme.Top-rated Chemistry GamesNameDescriptionAndroid/iOS/PC/MACSpacechemProduce chemical molecules to create circuitsyes yes yes/yesChemCaperA role play adventureyes yes no/noProfessor Why ChemistryConduct experiments in a virtual laboratoryno no yes/yesBackside AttackOrganic chemistry game with a focus on SN2 reactionsno yes no/yesPoring over chemistry revision books and too much studying can be as harmful to your test result as too little review would be, so remember to mix things up a little â€" with all of these options, you’ll have no trouble doing just that!

How to Organize Spanish Lessons

How to Organize Spanish Lessons Ways to Organize Spanish Lessons ChaptersBe OrganizedManage Your Lesson TimePrepare Your Lessons Ahead of TimeThe official language of 21 countries, the second most spoken language in the United States and in the world of business: having a good knowledge of Spanish is today both a personal and professional advantage.Teaching foreign languages is a particularly perilous exercise. Giving Spanish lessons included!Although certain languages like Spanish are supposedly easier to learn, it’s still true that a good teacher makes all the difference.So yes, you will certainly learn Spanish more rapidly than you would German or Chinese, but don’t celebrate just yet.Learning Spanish means studying like you would any other living language: vocabulary, grammar, conjugation, but also listening, pronunciation, and written comprehension.But if you’re a teacher, where do you start?How to be clear, concise, and good at explaining?Here is some advice to become a master private language tutor!Find concise and easy explanations t o put in writing for your student, and prepare examples to demonstrate each rule.Use a different color for the things that are most important to remember. For example: write in red the rules they need to memorize, and in green the rules that are of secondary importance.Make worksheets and index cards for words, expressions, phrases…You can check for online tutoring jobs here.Prepare vocabulary lists before your Spanish lessons.Don’t forget to quiz them regularly to evaluate the student’s level.You will need to choose your lesson materials carefully.Don’t forget: your lesson should be fun! Favor interactive exercises.Verify that your student has the comprehension necessary for each exercise.It would also be wise to adapt the exercises. Why not work on a text that relates to the student’s passions? For example, a passage from Don Quixote for a literature fan.As you can see, your need to design Spanish lessons that are up to date, that are adapted to the individual in questio n, and that develop the confidence of your student in a relaxed atmosphere.There is no miracle formula to be a good teacher. Just explain clearly, be empathetic, and be creative.Find out how Spanish tutors in America set their rates...

Finding Something-Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Career

Introvert Whisperer / Finding Something-Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Career Why “Finding something” Is The Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Career The Worst Thing You Can Do For Your Career I just finished responding to a note a long time follower wrote me.  She has been unhappy in her occupational field for several years.  Lost her job and did a job search to “find something”.  The “something” she found was not something she liked.  Now more than ever before she is yearning to find an occupation she is passionate about. This story is a fairly consistent story and that’s why the statistics around job dissatisfaction stay at 60-70% of all workers. That’s a whole lot of unhappiness. I do find it an interesting thing that as important as making a decision is about a career direction, the process for making a decision is elusive and a person usually chooses the worst thing you can for your career. The age-old process of launching a job search to “find something” is about as good as it gets for most people.  They then spend decades being unhappy yet continuing to do the same thing repeatedly.  (The true sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results) I know it’s a tough decision and I know it’s easy to give up and to give into “finding something”. But think of this problem like this: It’s not JUST a job; it’s half your life.   Half your life. Isn’t half your life worth the time, effort and sometimes frustration to figure this out? Would you rather be in the 30-40% of happy satisfied workers? Or the 60-70% who hate what they do? Next time the feeling that you need to change careers comes over you, do the work to first figure out YOU.  Yes, that’s where the process starts.  You have to understand what resonates with you first. Obviously, the process involves other things and figuring out YOU isn’t simple but once you do â€" you’ll be glad you did.   The main message for you is this:  Your life is too important to relegate half of it to chance.  â€œFinding a job” is like winning the lottery.  Most of the time you won’t win.   You deserve the time it takes to figure out the RIGHT job. Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer